Functional Areas: Student Record Data
Owner: Institutional Strategy and Analysis (ISA)

This dashboard displays a high-level overview of aggregate degrees and certificates awarded over a five year period by different categories such as degree career, degree level, and tuition residency. Users have the option to view the information by fiscal year, academic year, calendar year, and term. The data is viewable in either chart or table format. 

Other Attributes
Data Sources: NC State Reporting Warehouse
Access Details: General Public
Data Update Frequency: After each term post grades.
Citation: Institutional Strategy and Analysis, North Carolina State University. (2024) Factbook- Degrees and Certificates.


Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year refers to a one-year period from July 1 of one calendar year to June 30 of the following year. The fiscal year period aligns with the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) defined fiscal year. When term-based information is represented by fiscal year, it refers to sequential terms beginning with Summer II, followed by Fall, Spring, and Summer I.Fiscal years may be represented by the 4-digit year of the starting calendar year hyphenated with the 4-digit year of the ending calendar year, the 4-digit year of the beginning calendar year hyphenated with the 2-digit year of the ending calendar year, the 4-digit year of the the ending calendar year, or the 2-digit year of the ending calendar year, and are typically preceded by 'FY.' For example, FY 2022-2023, FY 2022-23, FY 2023, or FY 23 may be used to represent the fiscal year period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.

Calendar Year
Calendar Year refers to a one-year period from January 1 to December 31. When term-based information is represented by calendar year, it refers to sequential terms beginning with Spring, followed by Summer I, Summer II, and Fall.Calendar years may be represented by the 4-digit year or the 2-digit year and should be preceded by 'CY' to avoid confusion when mixed with other year types, such as academic years or fiscal years.

Term Type
Term Type refers to the cyclical academic term without a specified year.Values are: ''Fall,'' ''Spring,'' ''Summer I,'' ''Summer II.''

Tuition Residency
Tuition Residency refers to the status of a student's residency in or outside of North Carolina for tuition purposes, as defined by North Carolina General Statutes Section (G.S.) 116-143.1(b). A student's tuition residency is either ''Resident,'' also known as in-state, or ''Nonresident,'' also known as out-of-state.

Degree Career
Degree Career indicates the academic level of the degree or certificate. Values include ''Undergraduate'' and ''Graduate.''

Academic Year
Academic Year refers to a one year period of sequential terms, beginning with Fall, followed by Spring, Summer I, and Summer II. For example, the 2020-2021 academic year consists of the Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer I 2021, and Summer II 2021 terms.Academic years may be represented by the 4-digit year of the starting calendar year hyphenated with the 4-digit year of the ending calendar year or the 4-digit year of the beginning calendar year hyphenated with the 2-digit year of the ending calendar year, and are typically preceded by 'AY.' For example, AY 2022-2023 or AY 2022-23 may be used to represent the academic year period Fall 2022 through Summer II 2023.

Completer Headcount
Completer Headcount is a whole-number count of completers where each completer is counted as one, regardless of the number of degrees or certificates conferred.

Completions are the number of the degrees or certificates conferred.

Completer is a student who receives a degree or certificate. In order to be considered a completer, the degree or certificate must be conferred.

Degree Level
Degree Level indicates the level of degree or certificate. Values include ''Associate's,'' ''Bachelor's,'' ''Master's,'' ''Doctoral-Research/Scholarship,'' ''Doctoral-Professional Practice,'' ''Undergraduate Certificate'' and ''Graduate Certificate.''